Reducing carbon and compliance risk
Most heat networks in the UK use gas boilers as their heat source. As part of the journey to net zero carbon by 2050, and as part of regulation of heat networks, these will need to be replaced with low and zero carbon sources of heat generation. The first step is understanding how your networks are performing and what your options are.
Housing providers face important choices about how they will decarbonise their heat networks. Many low and zero carbon heat sources will be new to your organisation and will carry unknown costs, benefits, risks and opportunities.
Chirpy Heat can assist by providing Heat Network Decarbonisation options appraisals to:
- Identify the range of potential low and zero carbon heat sources that could be deployed at the site, including any preparatory steps
- Research and discuss solutions with manufacturers and service providers
- Analyse costs and benefits of each potential option including:
- Carbon emissions
- Capital costs
- Ongoing maintenance costs
- Running costs to residents
- Outline other potential carbon reduction opportunities
Decarbonisation options appraisals can be undertaken on an individual site or scheduled across a portfolio, where Chirpy Heat can help you to develop a prioritised programme of your heat networks: we may also be able to help you secure funding for the work. They can also be undertaken at the same time as optimisation and efficiency studies, combining time spent on site to provide you with greater value.
Case Study
Our client had a sheltered housing scheme in London where the boiler was approaching the end of its serviceable life. Instead of replacing like for like with the gas boiler, locking the site into a high carbon heating option for another 15-20 years, our client wanted to understand the options and opportunities for low carbon alternatives.
Chirpy Heat undertook an investigatory site visit to identify the potential options, which were then researched, discussed with suppliers and manufacturers and analysed. The summary report analysed three potential options for replacing the gas boilers outlining the costs and benefits of each option, resulting in a clear recommendation.
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