Heat Network Strategy

Strategic approach

Heat networks present complex interlinking between technical, financial, operational and customer service delivery. This can create a number of challenges for heat network operators and housing providers, which can in turn be minimised through a strategic approach to management and operation.

The introduction of individual metering and the incoming regulation of heat networks through the Heat Network Market Framework are moving housing providers from ‘accidental energy companies’ to ‘fully regulated energy companies.’ The sector has had to adopt a reactive and ad-hoc approach to these new challenges and requirements.

Chirpy Heat can work across your organisation to fit the heat network jigsaw together, solving both immediate operational challenges whilst taking a step back to review your strategic approach to heat network management.

The core services we offer include:

  • Heat network portfolio review: to understand what you have got and what current arrangements are undertaken, through a desktop review of your portfolio and site surveys to understand the assets in place and their current condition
  • Strategic heat network management review: an all-encompassing review of your heat network management, developing a strategic approach driven by organisational objectives as well as key management recommendations
  • Commercial management options appraisal: to appraise which commercial models of heat network management fit a particular project or the heat network portfolio
  • Stakeholder engagement: to bring together different departments, contractors and decision makers to understand the current organisational approach and inform future strategy
  • Capability review: an end-to-end review of internal management, mapping roles and responsibilities, undertaking gap analysis and supporting the growth and internal visibility of your team
  • Consistency:
    • Development and ongoing monitoring of heat network KPIs
    • Heat network data review and strategy development
    • Advice from our legal partners on contracts, procurement and commercials



    Case Study

    Chirpy Heat undertook an end-to-end management review for a large housing association including a portfolio review, roles and responsibility mapping, stakeholder engagement and management options appraisal. This delivered a final report outlining key management improvements, a recommended management approach and a 3-year transition plan. Chirpy Heat developed this approach into an action plan and continues to provide support as part of an ongoing call-off contract to support the client’s team with implementation.

    To find out more: